Even If Women’s Conference
Join us October 7 and 8 for Even If Women's Conference where we'll gather for intentional time in the Word, worship, and have some fun! We will hear from our guest speaker and Bible teacher, Jennifer Paschal, as she will lead us in sessions on what it looks like to be steadfast in trials even if life looks hopeless.
We learn in Daniel of the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendnego as they are thrown into the burning furnace. We read how King Nebuchadnezzar gives them one last chance to worship his gods rather then the Lord. In Daniel 3:18 their response is “But even if He (God) doesn’t (save them from the fire), we want to make it clear to you - we will never serve your gods.” We pray through this conference, we will be able to say this very thing even if unexpected things come our way.
Seventh graders and above are invited to attend. The cost is $10 and all proceeds go to our monthly Food Pantry ministry. The cost includes dinner on Friday, refreshments on Saturday, and childcare for 6th grade and under with registration. If you would like to purchase a shirt or hoodie (below), you have to register by September 15th! All other registrations are due by October 2.
Jenn Paschal
About the Speaker
Jen Paschal is a Christ follower, a wife of 30 years, and a mom to 2 adult children. She has a passion for people and for God’s Word and feels compelled to share it. A native Arkansan, she serves and worships with her church family at East Side Baptist Church in Fort Smith, Arkansas, where she teaches a Women’s Community Bible Study. Jen loves dark coffee, dark chocolate, making pottery and stained glass, and spending time in the mountains.