Evangelism | Advancing the Gospel of Jesus & His Kingdom

We are excited about where the Lord is taking us as a church in 2023. As a leadership team, much time, prayer, and strategy has gone into our ministry plan. We surrendered to the Lord, we embraced what He asked us to do, and we are now ready to engage along with each of you in this next year of ministry to see it through to completion.

For 2023, our theme is Evangelism. We believe the Lord is calling us to be a church full of people who are sent out as found in Mathew 9:35-38, “Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” We hope you will join us in being generous with your time, gifts, and resources to be workers of the harvest. We are ready, we are excited, and we will GO into our city and advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom!

Celebrating 2022!

Looking forward to 2023!

  • Expand our reach to the community with worship outreach events.

  • Plant 2 neighborhood micro churches.

  • Identify 5 areas where we want to impact our community in 2025.

  • Support and equip the discipleship of our students.

  • Baptize 20 people and point them to a deeper relationship with Jesus.

  • Engage in 8-10 outreach events and 1 cultural events.

  • Support and equip single parents with intentional events and groups.

  • Provide bibles for all kids that coordinate with our curriculum.

  • Host open tables and community meals.

  • Help clean up our city

  • Begin a mentorship program with Noble Prentis Elementary School.

  • Provide 10 mobile food pantry events to our community.

  • Begin a Celebrate Recovery and Grief Support Ministry.

  • Provide 12 opportunities for men’s and women’s ministry.

  • Start 6-8 new discipleship groups to discover, disciple, and deploy.

  • Introduce E3 to equip our people for conversations with the lost.

  • Parnter with 2 church planters in Ethiopia and Thailand.

  • Raise awareness in our community and be known for our love and generosity.