Tim and Kelly Mullenbach + Tricia Ramdass

16309 W 125th Ter. Olathe KS
SaturdayS | 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Hi! We are the Mullenbachs. Thank you for your interest in coming to our neighborhood. We have two kids under 4, Olivia and Joshua and two cats. We love the Lord and are very excited to help spread the word of the kingdom of God in Olathe and beyond.

Favorite area restaurant: Pickleman's

Favorite Pastime: Watching TV as a family

Hobbies and interests: Books and games

Can't live without: Caffeine and Jesus

Scripture to live by: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Where we grew up: Tim grew up in Bloomington, MN and Kelly grew up in Independence, MO and Farmington, MN.