Dear Friends,
Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith “We must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22)
The past 24 years in Thailand we have seen many Christians that have gone through hardships in their lives because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Some have died in prison, sentenced to prison for many years, kidnapped, evicted from their villages, disowned by their parents, and forced to renounce their faith. Presently, the Government has written, and issued a new law that restricts Christian activity. For example, if anyone is invited to go and conduct a wedding, dedicate a new house, conduct a funeral, or preach at another church, they have to get a letter from the head of the village to approve the trip, otherwise they cannot go. To get a letter from the head of the village to conduct religious activities is nearly impossible.
This new law gives more power to the head of the village, whom the majority of them despise the Christians in their villages. Almost all of them are Communist party members, and none are Christians. All of them are taught to hate Christians, and keep watch on their people in the village to not become Christians. Now the Christians, in general, have a very difficult time to do ministry activities from evangelism, church-planting, follow-up, visitation, and other Christian related activities.
The government officials are promoting this new law by calling all Christian leaders, from provincial to the district level to meet and discuss. Christian leaders have expressed that they are very concerned about their right of religious freedom. Many Christian leaders have called me, and voiced their concern with the new law.
Letters from Listeners
Today, there are many uses of media to reach out to the millions of people for them to hear the Good news of Jesus Christ effectively. It is great but we cannot forget the essential root of success depends on the life of the person who produces the content of the message. The content of the message itself is the key point that brings the good result. Many people only know about God, and the people that they working with but might not know Him personally. That is why the messages are not relevant in their daily life that they are facing. “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbubel: ‘Not by might not by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6) We based on God’s Word more than any other thing! “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing, the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life.” (John 6:63) Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom we shall go? You have the words of eternal life.”(John 6:68)
“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” (Acts 20:32) The people need God words more than anything, which can build them up and give them an inheritance.
My daily joy is to wake up early in the morning, and read 8 chapters of my Bible per day. Then have a long prayer, and sit in the studio to record 2 30-minutes programs daily that teaches my people the Word of God. Then write Bible lessons, answer letters from the listeners, and receiving phone calls from the listerns. Many ask me to pray for them and often ask help in many areas. I try to help as much as God enables me to help. Most of the help comes from health problems, kid’s education, persecution, visitation, evangelism, and expanding house-churches.
One key evangelism tool that is very fruitful is the speaker radio that has an 8 gigabyte storage, with over 300 messages. This speaker radio is playing a key role in spreading the Gospel, and more convenient for people to carry around for people to listen. Many people have used this tool to witness to many villages. 5 new house churches were started because of this! A young man, accepted Christ from listening to speaker radio. Now he is on fire for the Lord, and has led many people to Jesus. A church was recently planted at a banana plantation. 25 members of this church plan to be baptized later this year at a main church near them. They asked me for 60 USD budget for their travel cost. This year, more than 500 people have being baptized. Is this not wonderful news?
"Dear X* whom I love, I often go with my husband when he evangelizes, and visits various churches/house churches in our area. We listen to your program together with many Christians in each village. Your messages are so good, and touched our hearts a lot. Some have asked us how, and where we can get radios? Some give money to us, and some do not have money but they give chicken, and ducks so we can order radios for them. We then provide the radios for them, and they are so happy. We are excited that they love the program. The program will help them grow spiritually.” Pastor S* and his wife have been able to start many house churches this year.
“Dear Brother whom I love. I listen to your messages daily. It challenges me to be faithful to God as Daniel and his 3 friends faced. The message on Daniel touched my heart, and my eyes were in tears. I felt sorry that one of my daughters is not really following Jesus as she should. Please pray for her!” K*
"Dear teacher X* whom I love in Christ! I am currently a student. I am so impressed on the message series on “God’s love even though we are sinners” that was from November 25th-27th, 2016. It inspired me to love other people. I am so excited to hear God’s Word through this program. I want to give this offering of 30,000 kip ($3.75 USD) to support this program to be able to continue. May God bless you!" From P*
From January to September 2017
1. We have received 1,420 letters from our listeners
2. There are about 1,630 people, who have professed their faith in Jesus Christ through the ministries of the pastors, evangelists, messages in USB, program, speaker radio with storage, inside seminars, KCC team members work, medical Mission. This includes other tribal groups that we are reaching out.
3. There have been 521 people baptized
4. There have been 19 new house churches being established
5. We have set up 4 border seminars. A total of 487 people attended
6. We have distributed about 270 speaker radios. They are in much demand
7. We have distributed 383 Lao Bibles, and 112 Thai Bibles to our young people at the youth camp
8. We have distributed more than 12,300 Bible lessons and circulated letters with 5 titles. They are given at the border seminar, and sent to various leaders, house church leaders and young people
9. We have setup 61 inside seminars in various villages, and provinces. 5,681 people have attended. This includes other tribal groups that have attended also.
Prayer Points
1. Please pray for the Christiana in the village. Pray that they will get strength from God to stand firm in their faith despite the confusion. For their families who do not understand the situation clearly but know that following the Lord is a sacrifice of many things.
2. Pray for K* and me, especially for our health.
3. Pray for our Bible school students. 3 have went back to Laos. 6 are currently still studying and waiting for their 1-year visas.
4. Pray for our planning to have a rotational school, 2 year course, both inside Laos and in Thailand. I will get to be involved in teaching more students. Pray that God will bless and guide us in this plan.
5. Pray 2 more seminars planning to happen this year. One November, and December. We hope to have at least 200 pastors, evangelists, and elders that will come.
6. Pray for KCC team, especially for the new law that the government has issued. We pray that it will not be a big hindrance for our team to do the inside seminar, evangelism, church planting, visitation and follow-up with the ministry.
7. Pray for the needs of expanding new house churches. There are many places that have been asking us to help them find some funds for this project.
8. We have radios to distribute to the people but we need wisdom to distribute them wisely, and to the right hands for effectiveness.
9. Pray for financial support, and if there is anyone intending to contribute to the radio broadcast.
This comes with love from us all. God bless you as you continue to support the ministry!
In the love of Jesus Christ our Lord,
*Name and location have been changed for their protection.