Check Out Some of our Past Series Below
Heroes - Stories of the Faithful
Hebrews chapter 11 outlines several Old Testament heroes of faith. In this series, we look at each of those men and women exploring the way their faith grew and how God worked through them.
Living Life Backward
A study through the Book of Ecclesiastes.
Resurrection Sunday 2021
Journey to the Cross
During the series, Journey to the Cross we will reveal the contrast between how Jesus experienced humanity and how humanity experienced Jesus. What will we discover and how will this discovery lead us to salvation?
What Happy Couples Know
This 4-part series takes a deep dive into the heart of building and sustaining healthy relationships that lead to wholesome marriages. Directly con-fronting the facades and misconceptions surrounding marriage, and relationships leading to marriage; the series will navigate the nearly inescapable root issues that cause marital disasters. The series keeps consistent pace of presenting "couple" problems that start from within, while giving viable solutions for complete growth, maturity, peace and progress. This is all about what happy couples know. Based on a series written by Andy Stanley.
Pro Tips - How to Live in the Year 2021
We will kick off the new year by looking at Mark chapters 9 and 10 to identify ProTips on how to live in the year 2021. We will take Jesus’ teachings and apply them to our lives as we live in this new year.
Simply Christmas
This series will focuses on the tradition and meaning of what Christmas is all about - leading us to the Birth of Christ. We will tell the story leading up to the birth of Christ from 3 perspectives: The Prophets of the Old Testament, Mary and Joseph, and the Shepherds, Wisemen and the ones who missed it..
S.E.E.K 2021
In this series each campus will be sharing their ministry plans for 2021. SEEK teams have been meeting for months to SURRENDER our plans for 2021 to the Lord. In this series, our Pastors are asking each person to EMBRACE and ENGAGE these plans. In addition, we will KEEP CHECKING through 2021 to see what the Lord is doing! Join us, in reaching our city!
A New City in Every City in Kansas City
We aren’t playing around. Our new vision statement is to have a NEW CITY in EVERY CITY in KANSAS CITY. We can only do this through empowering our people to know the Mission, Vision and Values of New City and under-stand the call from Jesus to make disciples in our neighborhoods and communities.
Say What?
"Say What?" is a three week teaching series from chapters 7 and 8 of the Gospel of Mark. In these two chapters, Jesus has three conversations that can leave the reader wondering what Jesus was talking about. As we study these passages, we will discover what Jesus was saying and what he wants his followers to hear.
Press On
In Mark chapter 6 we see Jesus encounters rejection, sadness, and exhaustion. Yet, Jesus pointed his disciples to victory within every struggle. During this three week series we will discover how Jesus lead us through our most difficult times.
A distressed father, twelve disciples pushing their way through a crowded street, and a woman with one last hope. Each had a perspective confined to their singular story. But not so with God. In this three week series we will discover to see as God sees.
Campus Choice
During July of 2020 New City campuses are sharing and casting vision to each of our four campuses. From Proverbs to the most popular headlines each of our campuses speak specifically to the matters at hand in a difficult time.
Jesus used simple stories to teach a deeper spiritual message about the Kingdom of God. The parables found in Mark chapter four are timely for the church. What is God wanting to say to us about advancing His Kingdom within a lost and chaotic world?
The critics, the crowd, the fans, and the followers. These are the relationships Jesus managed. During this four week series in Mark 4 we will look to move into Jesus' inner circle.
Simply put, Jesus will interrupt your life...Over and over and over. During this teaching series, we will study from Mark chapter 2 and 3 to discover how we respond to Jesus' interruptions and allow interruptions within our own life.
Walk this Way
In Mark 1:9-20 we discover 7 Spiritual steps that Jesus took. In this five week series we will identify these seven steps, examine their importance within our own spiritual maturity, and inspire every person within New City Church to take their next spiritual step.
January 2020
January 2020 is an exciting time as each of our New City Campus’ share specific vision and direction for their congregations.
Advent Conspiracy was founded on the radical idea that we can celebrate Christmas humbly, beautifully and generously. Advent is the story of a wondrous moment when God entered our world to make things right. It is the greatest story ever told and it changes everything—including the way we celebrate Christmas. Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be—a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us.
Tired of not having enough time or money? We are too! Join us in battling the “monsters” of time and debt as 100+ churches from across KC partner together to help you find MARGIN in your time and finances!
In a congregational-wide series, Believe, comes from a study by Pastor Randy Frazee based off of his book, Believe. Believe is a spiritual growth experience that helps Christians of all ages think, act, and be more like Jesus.
Be the Gift is a Christmas series that looks at how we can be the gift to those around us by showing the love of Jesus in our lives, through our actions and in our Faith.
For the Next
For the Next… is a series designed to teach us how to prepare our hearts for what God has next. Focused on the next YOU. FAMILY. CITY. we pointed forward to what God wants to use each of us to accomplish.