Good Wednesday morning. Let's get started.
John chapters 15 and 16.
As I read this today I noticed that Jesus tells his disciples 3 times, "ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you."
What are you asking for?
Your fruit will always reflect the vine you are attached to. (for more on this you can watch this past Sunday's teaching on John 15:1 and Proverbs 1:23-31). A grape vine can pray for apples all day long, only to get more grapes. When you and I attach ourselves to Jesus we should expect Jesus type fruit. "what you are praying for" Jesus type fruit?
This is the tension between being a follower of Jesus and living in the world. The more we spend time with Jesus the more our desires begin to look like Him and less like them. However when praying, it may be difficult to determine if your prayers align with Jesus or with the culture which has helped shape you (Proverbs 16:2). This is why Wow! Now... and How? is such a effective prayer model. When you and I pray we talk to God about everything. Everything! Then, we take all that we have prayed for and we test it against God's Word. This is why, in my opinion, you should always follow your prayer time with some Bible time. If not, you might find that your feelings are leading you and not the truth of God's Word.
So after you pray...Wow! Now... How?
Open your Bible and look for God to speak.
Proverbs chapter 17
Pro 17:3 - Yes, the Lord test you. And yes, it's meant to get the junk out.
Pro 17:8
Pro 17:27
Psalms chapters 81-85
Ps 81:11-14
Ps 84:10 (Here is a song from this verse that was special to me back in 1997)
Have a blessed day,
Pastor Matt