I thought a fun way to celebrate Christmas week would be to celebrate the wins (both big and small) that we experience each day. Over and over in Psalms David is giving thanks to God...Lets follow King David's lead and celebrate our great God!
Lets start today in Hebrews 1:1-3 (this was the primary text from Sunday).
Jesus is our Prophet - He is the perfect reflection of God the Father.
Jesus is our Priest - He is our perfect sacrifice which has reconciled us with the Father.
Jesus is our King - He has the authority to rule and reign over and within us.
Lets spend some time in prayer:
Wow! - Brag on God.
Now... - Tell God your good, your bad, and your ugly.
How? - Stop talking and start listening. What is God saying to you in the quiet AND how is He confirming this through his Word (the Bible)?
My buddy Clay added a 4th piece to this prayer...KaPOW!! What what God does in your life when you are obedient.
Psalms chapter 106-110
Check out Psalms 109...I wouldn't want on King David's bad side:)
Ezra chapters 1-4
FYI...Ezra 4:24...it was a 14 year break before they started again to rebuild the temple. Isn't it easy to read something and miss the time it covers? You can read Ezra 4:24 in a couple of seconds and then move right on to Ezra chapter 5. Yet in that short verse it covers a time span of 14 years.
Are you willing to wait 14 years for God to finish a work he started. Don't give up on what God told you to do. IF it was from the Lord, He will see it completed.
What is God saying to you today?
What will you do about it?
Pastor Matt