My Cup Runneth Over

Today Kari Alejandre, one of our Kid City Preschool leaders will be our guest blogger.  Let's gain some insight into the generosity found in the 23 Psalm as we learn from Kari.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.  He takes me to lush pastures, he leads me to refreshing water.  He restores my strength.  He leads me down the right paths for the sake of his reputation.  Even when I must walk through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me.  You prepare a feast before me in plain sight of my enemies.  You refresh my head with oil; my cup is completely full.  Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days, and I will live in the Lord’s house for the rest of my life.  Psalm 23

When David wrote this sweet song about our Good Shepherd, he was full of gratitude. This psalm reflects the generous nature of our loving God. He invites us to rest, be refreshed and restored. He is with us and we needn’t be afraid. Not only does He provide, He does so with abundance: “my cup runneth over”. 

Isn’t it just like God to give us more than we deserve? More than we can ask or think. I am full of joy thinking of the times that God’s people have been generous to me. Sometimes I really needed it and it came at the perfect time. Sometimes it was just God spoiling His daughter. He is generous because He has it all. He is generous because He knows our needs and He is moved with compassion. 

In our lives, this should look the same. We can give when we have a lot and we can give when we have a little. We can give when we see a need. Either way, that cup is overflowing and will not run dry.