If you love someone who is making poor choices...If you are angry at a group of people because of their choices. ..If you have tried and tried to help them...If you have tried changing them by arguing your point?
You may want to try this. I'm currently reading Paul's letter to the church in Rome. In chapter 1:16, Paul writes, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
What does this scripture teach? It teaches this, God can people to do what you never could!
Why are you trying another "gospel?" Don't be ashamed of the very thing that changed your life. Before you try anything else try the gospel. Oh...The gospel is this, the good news of Jesus Christ. That Jesus lived, teaching us a new way to be human. That Jesus died, providing forgiveness for all our sin. That Jesus lived again, giving us power in this life and hope for the next.
Jesus, not knowing about Jesus, but the person JESUS, is what changes a person. Jesus is real. What Jesus did was real. And when Jesus get ahold of a person that change is real.
I am not ashamed of Jesus. I'm grateful for him. I am in complete debt to him. He is my Lord (my boss) and he is my Savior (my help). What about you?
Did you notice my turn...I started out talking about them...But now I'm talking about me and you. Why? Because God has chosen you to reflect Him to them. If you ain't got it they won't get it! Look what Paul says next, "For the righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel from faith to faith..."
The gospel is revealed from your faith to their faith. The Gospel moves. The Gospel is contagious. You can't give it if you don't have it.
My prayer is this. That we all would discover more about Jesus in 2016. That we would not only know more about him but that we would also know him more. Amen.
Pastor Matt