“But if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, since he is a double-minded individual, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:5-8
But you say…"Then why won’t God just tell me what to do?"
Here’s my response to your question…Actually I have two responses.
First, You are concerned about the answer…God is concerned about the relationship.
Me and my wife are helping our 6 year old girls learn to read. To be honest, more Jenn then me but I have my moments:) As a dad, it’s not just about helping Allie and Kristie read…For me, it’s the fact that they are in my lap, snuggled up to me, as they learn to read. For me, it’s more about whispering in their ear, after they sound out a difficult word, “Good job Allie, you are getting so smart.” As their dad, I’m really glad to see my girls learn to read. But I really love the fact that they are learning while sitting with their daddy.
Can you make the connection to your own life. I know you really just want the answer to your problem. But you need to know that God really just wants you.
Second, God will tell you. But you have to ask. And, you have to listen. Almost all Christians are experts in asking. It’s listening where we must mature. Here’s some truth for you, a believer listens with their eyes and their heart and sometimes their ears. Are you confused. It’s really not confusing at all. It’s so simple.
- Tell God what’s going on.
You can speak it. You can think it. You can write it down. You can paint it. You can sing it. The point is that you communicate with God. He cares for you. It’s not that God isn’t aware, He knows more about your problem than you do. God simply wants you to want him. God wants you to need him. God wants you.
- Read the Bible to discover God's way and/or God's principal.
This may take some time…You may need to ask someone who is more fluent in scripture for some help. But remember, you’re not asking them to solve your problem. You are asking them for scriptures that will speak to your situation.
- Apply what you read to your life.
This is called obedience. And, this is called being wise. Just because you know what to do doesn’t make you obedient or wise. Knowing what to do and then not doing it will actually lead to a lot of guilt. However, when you know what God says and then you do it…That is when God goes to work! I must say this, knowing the answer isn’t the answer! Don’t be misled. Way too many people, too many good people, know what to do…They just choose not to do it. That is why there is a fourth step.
- Share what God said and what you’re doing with a close friend for accountability.
First, this person MUST be someone who you want to be like when you grow up. Please don’t allow someone who hasn’t been where you are to hold you accountable. Find the person who knows. Who understands. Who has won in this area. Share with them what God has said to you and allow them to hold you to living this out until you have victory.
I’m telling you. The above way works. But that’s not what most people do. Most people do this...
- Read the Bible.
They can’t tell you what they read. Only that they read. They weren’t looking for anything particular. What they read was good. But it doesn’t go any further than that…good.
- Pray.
Then they pray…Typically more of a whine than a prayer. Come on, we’ve all whined this type of prayer, pleading God to change something or someone…Just not me. “God, it’s too hard for me to change my life. Can’t you just change my circumstances? Can’t you make my life easier?” Nothing moves God to action like a great whiner…If your curious, that’s sarcasm.
- Go about their life.
Then they say “Amen” open their eyes and go to wherever they need to be next. Nothing has changed. The problem is still there. God wasn’t asked. God didn’t speak. They are still confused…Frustrated that God won’t help.
What way seems best for you. It’s your life. And that’s the fun/frustrating part. God won’t make you do either. But, when you ask…He is faithful to respond.
Pastor Matt