If I may, I want to share a thought I had from yesterday's scripture from Joshua 3. Here we find Joshua telling the people to "Keep your distance so you can see which way you should go, for you have not traveled this way before."
How often in my own life have I gotten out in front of God and found myself asking him to hurry and catch up so he can bless what I'm doing. Here's the truth, no matter how long or how brief you have been following Jesus it is a great idea to let him stay out in front.
But you know what happens, to both those who are experienced travelers or the newbies, we think we know the way. How easy it is for us to forget that we are called to follow...not to lead.
As you start your day, let me remind you, as God has reminded me, "you have not traveled this way before."
Let's go to the Lord in prayer.
Wow! - Brag on God.
Now... - Tell God if you've lost your way. Tell God if you think He's lost his. Just talk to God about life...don't keep it from Him (you don't really think you can do you?).
How? - Stop talking and start listening to God speak to you by his Holy Spirit and his Word.
Proverbs chapter 19
Joshua chapter 4
Ephesians chapter 4
Notice what Paul says about our choice of words. How might this influence your word choice?
Utmost for His Highest
What is God saying to you?
What will you do about it?