I remember filling out the 90 day tithe challenge to continue giving. (My silent prayer that day was that God would move my husband's heart to do more.) My story of what God is doing has been a story loooong in the making. Back in my single mama days, I remember knowing that if He couldn't trust me with a little, then He couldn't trust me with a lot, so I made a vow to start giving. I am so thrilled to have persevered in my deep desire to give generously. After David and I married, I started praying that God would move his heart to match my desires. Or really, God's desires in generosity. (I may or may not have told him about that prayer.)
Moving on.... David and I started with a commitment to tithing, yes, the true word of tithe, a couple of years ago. Fast forward to this holiday season and SOMETHING happened (God happened) BEYOND my wildest imagined prayer. But that is totally how you know it is HIM!!! I just love our God.
Here is the story...The community I live in has a team of about 25 of us who have banded together because of sports. This community has become (what is a picture of) the church to each other. When one is need, we all chip in. Just a couple months ago, sadly, we found out one of our families is going through a divorce. The mother of 4 was left in a bit of a financial disaster, was struggling to make ends meet, and would not be having Christmas for her family. Another family owns a business that builds homes and they offered us the opportunity to do construction clean up versus hiring a company to come in and the money earned would be given to our family friend in need. We have done that twice and the family in need helped in the work.
When the email went out, IT happened.....the Lord moved Davids heart to go beyond our tithing. Then David heard your message about supporting outside the church. It makes my eyes tear up to think about it. David told me he wanted to contribute and we both agreed to pray on it. Every time he brought it up, I would say we would pray about it. Not sure if I was in shock or not obeying immediately (yes, a bit of both), but it was not until Matt's sermon about God confirming the birth of Jesus to both Mary and Joseph that my light switch flipped and the Lord had already given us both the same amount. There was nothing left to pray about. We gave the family a cash donation. I'm not sure the amount really matters, but I will say it mattered to the mama who was so humbled. Then hearing Cathleen's story, my heart strings were pulled again. David agreed with me to help her through this hump. So I was able to meet her for coffee, hear her story, and then tuck some cash in her sealed Christmas card. Let me say, I have thoroughly been so humbled and blessed with so much joy to be the messenger for our King.
I know it is not always about the gift of money and that sometimes it is the gift of time, or resources, or a meal, or listening. However, these 2 occasions did call for money and obedience is the key answer to what He is teaching both David and I right now in my answered prayer.
I hope this story touches you as deeply as it has me.
-Dave and Rachael Brother’s