jn 3:16

Why Be Generous

The 90 Day Generosity Challenge - Day 1 - Why Be Generous?

Before you start any endeavor you need to first ask a very important one word question...

If you are able to answer the "Why?" question, you will have a greater chance of completing what you started.  So, when we think about becoming a more generous person we need to ask "Why?".

So, why should you choose to become more generous?  Let me provide one simple Biblical reason.

Because God is generous and you were created in the image of God.

Think on the most famous scripture in al the Bible, John 3:16.
"For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

In all the ways God could have chosen to love the world, he chose the expression of giving.  God is a giving God.  God is a generous God.  And, God wants you to be more like Him.  So, what does this mean for you?  How might God be asking you to become more generous?  How is God asking you to live like Him? 

Over the next 90 Days, New City Church will provide you a daily generous thought.  We believe God wants to transform our actions by transforming the way we think...Specifically, how we think about generosity.  Not only do we hope you read these devotions but that you will also choose to share it on your personal social media platforms.   

Pastor Matt