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Student Movie Night

  • New City Shawnee 7230 Quivira Road Shawnee, KS, 66216 United States (map)

Students and parents because this movie is rated R we ask you review this movie and register your student so we can make sure you know they are watching this movie that night. This is a graphic movie and wanted you to be aware before watching it.

Student City will be watching the movie, "Passion of the Christ. As we move towards Easter, we wanted to take time and be reminded of what Christ has done for us. We hope to see you there! Parents, this is a 2-hour movie so we will go a little past 8. We will have popcorn and drinks, so if you would like to bring other food feel free to do that! 

Earlier Event: April 13
Father/Son Student Night | Shawnee
Later Event: April 18
Food Distribution | Olathe